Audi Chip Tuning

To put a chip tune on an Audi, you need to remove the EPROM containing the engine and replace it with a chip with redesigned software.  Unless you have a turbo, you will probably get just a small horsepower bump from a chip tune; you’re better off upgrading your engine to improve compression, airflow, engine balance, valve lift, and so forth.  Once you get this done you can add a chip tune to take full advantage of your new components.

If you have a turbo, a remap will most likely initiate boost further down the rev range, giving you better acceleration, but also producing more heat you will have to deal with.  If you will be adding high performing parts to your automobile, then you will definitely benefit from a remap.


What exactly is ECU Remapping?

Remapping the ECU increases the efficiency of your car.  Even though they should be identical, every car that comes off the production line is slightly different; they may get a few up to 10bhp more or less.  It is really determined by precisely how properly the elements are machined, as well as created.

Don’t forget the most important part of your car, the driver.  By changing the way you drive, you can get the most out of the improved torque and horsepower, and even improve your fuel economy.  In any event, after using Unitronic to tune your engine, you will find that it responds much more eagerly when you push the accelerator.


Turbo Diesel Engine

For Turbo diesel engines, remapping the ECU can cause a 25-50% boost in brake horsepower as well as a 50-75% boost in power all across the rev range.  Usually remapping will take 60-90 minutes depending upon the ECU of the automobile.

For Non-Turbo gasoline engines, remapping the ECU can cause a 10-15% boost in brake horsepower as well as a 15-20% boost in power all across the rev range.  Don’t let poor maintenance kill your performance, filthy plugs, bad leads, clogged air filters, obstructed injectors and other problems can completely destroy the benefits of the tuning that you spent so much money on.


Chip Tuning

Chip tuning is the original description for modern-day ECU Remapping.  The power to flash your ECU with a new tune right through the OBD connector forced the tuning industry to progress by leaps and bounds.  Also, the regular improvements of the engine are getting considerably faster through flashing.  All this permits tuning aficionados to cultivate the top software tuning programs on earth.

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