Car Choice: This week’s car for the heart is a thrifty Soul

Car Choice: This week’s car for the heart is a thrifty Soul
Liz Smith currently runs a Peugeot 308 and a Mini Cooper convertible, but the 308 is due to be replaced. She needs a vehicle that will accommodate her husband and two slightly pre-teenage boys. It will be used mainly on local roads, and must be able to cope with icy Devon lanes. Mr Smith is green minded and not keen on a 4×4. Their budget is £12,000 to £15,000.
Read more on Independent

Motoring majesty moving on
Majestic Motors founder Ian Hoggard is to keep his almost 40-year crown as a countrywide dealer of used luxury cars despite selling his new car dealership.
Read more on Wairarapa Times-Age

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