Another reform has been the abolition in a number of provinces from the guest passenger rule. Under that rule a non-paying passenger in the private automobile cannot recover in tort from the driver unless there is proof of gross negligence.
Clearly, the removing of this rule has increased the number of claimants who may now recover in tort. Each of these developments improved the possibilities that an innocent victim of your automobile accident will be compensated at least to some extent. But there still must be a proof of fault and, generally, the defendant needed liability insurance. To pursue further the compensation purpose of tort law because it applied to motor vehicle collisions, provinces instituted incentives to induce the owners of automobiles to buy liability insurance.
These were the so-called Financial Responsibility Laws which required proof by motorist in charge of an accident, she could pay, by insurance or otherwise not, any damages resulting. If proof wasn’t forthcoming, penalties followed. Fund that payments were made to victims whose losses and injuries had been caused by uninsured or unidentified motorists. This basic concept was copied by all of the other provinces. The funds were made up of contributions by those who, upon registering their vehicles, chose to not buy liability insurance.
This was not just a form of insurance for they because, under threat of the loss in their driving privileges, they were required to reimburse the fund for just about any losses they caused.
Not quite happy with financial responsibility laws as a way of encouraging the provision of insurance to cover judgments, all provinces have finally resorted to regimes of compulsory automobile insurance. If you need more info, she said. Accordingly, it is a criminal offence for an uninsured automobile to be operated on public highways. Registrants of automobiles are required to provide specifics of insurance when obtaining licenses or renewals of licenses for his or her vehicles and cops routinely demand evidence of insurance when a motorist is stopped for reasons unknown.
Offenders are likely to pay heavy fines. Special arrangements are designed to provide cover high-risk applicants. This all is clearly built to protect victims (as opposed to insured defendants). It really is, in short, a kind of compensation plan.