Climb Attack Brazil

Full video of Rhys Millen sliding his 750HP RMR / Red Bull / Hyundai Genesis Coupe up the side of Serra Do Rio Do Rastro in Santa Catarina, Brazil at Red Bull Xtreme Drift. Shot and edited by DC Chavez Shot with Canon 5D Mk II, Contour HD 1080P, Contour GPS and HVX200. www. www. Music: “Laid Back Guitars by Kevin MacLeod ( Licensed under Creative Commons “Attribution 3.0”

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  1. avatar
    Felipehuntercaxia says:

    Já subi e desci essa serra,linda por sinal…,mas não assim,hehehe. Santa Catarina lindíssima ,seja serra , litoral, planalto,ou planícies.

  2. avatar
    scoutsbrasil2010 says:

    Hei! alguém que conheça por acaso este tal DC CHAVEZ poderia perguntar o que é que imagens de uma cidade tão suja e violenta como o Rio de Janeiro tem a ver com uma das paisagens mais belas de Santa Catarina??

  3. avatar
    taliamara says:

    Why link Jesus Crist’s statue in Rio de Janeiro with Serra do Rio do Rastro in Santa Catarina? All over the world people just think that only exists Rio de Janeiro in Brazil. Both places are in Brazil but 1.100 km (680 miles) distant. Brazil is a huge and wonderful country!

  4. avatar
    Zeggawong says:

    Fricking insane! That looked like it was all in one take too, I didn’t see any rubber on the road in front of him. If only they had a helicopter (For aerial shots) and a better car with a better exhaust note.

  5. avatar
    keyziadrift says:

    rhys is an amazing driver an a gentleman .drifting is a style of driving…of course there are faster ways around the course..but that wasnt the point..this video is great an the skill level to do this obviously has been misunderstood. i guess alot of people have no clue an should attempt driving in this style. btw i do drive

  6. avatar
    paulobeckerrb26dett says:

    That’s quite a feat for the tires to last that much, I wonder if they shot this entire sequence in one run.

  7. avatar
    keyziadrift says:

    rhys is an amazing driver an a gentleman .drifting is a style of driving…of course there are faster ways around the course..but that wasnt the point..this video is great an the skill level to do this obviously has been misunderstood. i guess @hksxskline has no clue an should attempt driving in this style. btw i do drive

  8. avatar
    keyziadrift says:

    rhys is an amazing driver an a gentleman .drifting is a style of driving…of course there are faster ways around the course..but that wasnt the point..this video is great an the skill level to do this obviously has been misunderstood. i guess @hksxskline has no clue an should attempt driving in this style. btw i do drive

  9. avatar
    NYLIevali says:

    i dont know if this is continuous cause in some shots the camera on the right front facing backwards is there then at the end it is not or maybe it fell off on the way up

  10. avatar
    frhort01 says:

    Concordo plenamente, vim aqui só para comentar isto.
    O Brasil é visto lá fora como Rio de Janeiro.
    Fora que Rio do Rastro, Rio de Janeiro… +/- igual não? muita gente no estrangeiro conhece somente por “RIO”.
    Ta aí a explicação de por que filmes estrangeiros são feitos só no “RIO” mesmo sendo muitas vezes gravados em outra parte do país…
    Mas tudo bem, o Cristo no Brasil é o mesmo que a Torre de Londres, a Eiffel em Paris e por aí vai… Um “Cartão Postal Nacional”

  11. avatar
    kiminicooper1 says:

    Did anyone else notice how not once were black marks visible on the street behind his car? In most (all?) drift videos, there’s always tire marks – that’s WHY there’s smoke. Wonder if he’s using really hard compound tires, but even then there should be something…

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