Intercessors at Evangelical Christian Prayer Ministry Will Support You Spiritually Many people in Today’s world don’t just believe stuff anymore without asking endless questions and maintaining a doubting attitude towards anything that cannot be proven in a laboratory experiment,such as prayer. Some people may honestly want to know with certainty if Prayer really works and whether the prayers made by a believer have any influence on the condition of external things such as say,the weather. Others have genuinely sought to understand whether prayers made to God by an individual have the power or any effect on the individual who is performing the praying act. Undoubtedly,prayer and especially intercessory prayer is what a committed Christian existence is about Christians are supposed to talk to God about everything pertaining to their existence and even concerning matters about which it would appear as though prayer would be of no consequence. The intercessory prayer network of the Evangelical Christian Prayer Ministry believe that prayer is very important and that it does make a real difference in people who pray,those who are prayed for and in the affairs of the world.
Discovering The Truth About Help
A scholar called Professor Leslie Francis of the University of Bangor has done 31 experiments on the effectiveness of prayer.
Lessons Learned About Resources
The experiments involved hundreds of people who were recovering from surgery;these people would randomly be divided into two groups of which one was prayed for and the other was not. The participants were never told that others would be praying for them. The results were kind of interesting. The studies showed that patients who were beneficiaries of prayer even without their knowledge had a higher likelihood of getting better. Another noted scholar called Dr Laws from the University of Manchester has said that prayer that requests God to do a thing has relevance if the person making it has a specific understanding of God. There are several groups who focus on prayer exclusively such as the ladies intercessory prayer groups, intercessory prayer healing teams, cancer prayer network, intercessory worship groups and even prayer network online among others who will be willing to pray with you and for you regardless of whether you are a member of the Evangelical Christian prayer Ministry or not. All the believers involved in all these groups have accepted Jesus as their personal savior and strive to follow his teachings;they have also decided to commit themselves to intercessory prayers for people with different needs in their personal lives. There are several people who have got completely healed of serious illnesses such as cancer through medical intervention and more so by the power of prayer. You are invited to contact any of the Ministry’s groups and share your problem and you can rest assured they will pray about it without breaking confidence and hopefully,you will get the answers you seek.