Cars are fantastic machines and, if you are lucky, they seem to go on forever with very little attention needed other than fuel, water, oil and the occasional garage service. You would be EXTREMELY lucky, though, to have a car for a number of years that never needed replacement parts. Mechanical and electrical parts succumb to ‘wear and tear’, so the car owner has no choice but to spend some money on putting things right.

Just how much money is spent on those parts depends on where they come from. A newer vehicle will probably have to go back where it came from so that the dealer warranty is not invalidated. Older vehicles have no such restrictions and the owner is at liberty to find the best deal around. “Going down to the scrappie” has been a familiar cry over the years where a cash-strapped driver will pay a visit to one or more scrap yards in their area to find the part that they need.
Now, you might get lucky, or you might not. No scrap yard can hold every possible part that may be demanded, so the driver’s best option is to go for a service that does all the hard work for them. Breakeryard are a business that scours the yards on your behalf and come up with the best deal for you. They will visit the scrap yard and pick up the part before delivering it to your door. If you so wish, they will even deliver it to a servicing outfit nearby who will do the fitting for you – offering you a complete service at a bargain price!
Here is a good example of why scrap yards can be such a gold mine. A driver owning a 2003 Seat Ibiza needed a new electric wing mirror and one company (perhaps a Seat dealer) quoted a fitted price of £270. Breakeryard found that they could do much better, and searched their sources by quoting the make, model, year and colour of wing mirror required. The part was bought for £30 and they found a local garage willing to fit it for somewhere in the region of £50. The total price of a recycled and perfectly serviceable wing mirror, including fitting, was therefore £80 instead of £270. Who wouldn’t appreciate a deal like that?
Breakeryard can find plenty of similar deals no matter what model/make of car, or which part is required. There are so many written off cars sitting in scrap yards alongside motorways all around the country that are unable to drive again, yet, have plenty of reusable parts ready to be removed and recycled. With environmental issues being on everyone’s agenda these days, it makes perfect sense to tap into these gold mines and extract the good parts from the rusting hulk that the car rapidly becomes.
We are always being encouraged to use things over and over again where possible, so why not apply that principle to car parts? Breakeryard are standing by waiting for your request to find that part that you need and, with success virtually guaranteed, you can gain the satisfaction of saving a lot of money.